Benjamin Westerhaus, MD

Your Local Pain Management Doctor in West Palm Beach, Specializing in the Treatment of Chronic Back Pain

Widely regarded as one of the best pain management doctor in Palm Beach County, Dr. Benjamin Westerhaus brings a unique mix of education and experience to patients who are battling conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain, joint pain, nerve pain, and various other types of chronic pain that affect the musculoskeletal system.


One of few pain management specialists in the West Palm Beach area who also treats chronic pain and joint issues throughout the body, Dr. Westerhaus is a versatile pain management doctor whose breadth of expertise mitigates the need for patient referrals to different specialists – shortening your road to recovery.

Dr. Westerhaus provides superior patient outcomes by using cutting edge techniques and technologies that address the root cause of chronic pain and long-term discomfort. He works closely with an interdisciplinary team of the very best physical therapists and spine surgeons in Palm Beach County.

For appointments, call 561-935-1188 or click the link below.

Get on the road to recovery today

As a resident of West Palm Beach, Dr. Westerhaus knows how much Floridians value a day at the golf course, exploring the sun-drenched waters of the coast, and spending time with family. If chronic pain or musculoskeletal issues are hindering that – you don’t have to suffer in silence.

Dr. Westerhaus gets to the root cause of chronic pain using expedient, non-invasive solutions.

What Does a Typical Visit with
Dr. Westerhaus Look Like?

The musculoskeletal system is complex and susceptible to a variety of injuries and conditions. Keeping that in mind, your first visit with Dr. Westerhaus and his team will typically involve a three-step process:

  1. Dr. Westerhaus and his team will get a detailed medical history about you and the specific injury or condition in question. He will ask you about any at-home methods or over-the-counter medications you’ve tried so far. He’ll also ask you about any physical therapy treatments you may be taking part in Collecting all this information helps paint a full picture of your current medical status.
  2. Next. Dr. Westerhaus will perform an examination of the area in question. Depending on the injury or condition, he may order tests such as X-rays or an MRI to get a better idea of the root cause of your issue. For example, those suffering from neck pain or chronic back pain typically need additional testing to accurately gauge the cause.
  3. Finally, Dr. Westerhaus and his team will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your functional goals to specifically address your back pain or other areas of concern. Every patient is unique, so non-invasive treatments can range from at-home methods such as ice therapy, over-the-counter medication, and behavior modification to guided physical therapy sessions. For more severe cases, patients may benefit from targeted steroid injections and other forms of advanced treatment. In the event that the condition potentially warrants surgery, Dr. Westerhaus will thoroughly review the treatment plans with his surgical colleagues and present the patient with their options. Ultimately, the goal is to help with your pain management and address the underlying issue that is causing you pain or discomfort.

Dr. Westerhaus is committed to working with patients so they can get back to doing what they love. His vast experience in delivering multidisciplinary, individualized treatment has rightfully earned him the reputation of being one of the most efficient and effective orthopedic doctors in Palm Beach County.

Want a second opinion about your CAT scan, X-ray. or MRI results? Patients are free to securely submit
images to Cantor Spine Institute’s second opinion program. Once submitted, your images will be reviewed by
a medical professional and you will be contacted to arrange an appointment to discuss their findings. Please
make sure to read all patient acknowledgements before uploading your images.

Areas of Interest
and Specialization:

About Dr. Benjamin Westerhaus

Born and raised in Minnesota, Dr. Westerhaus has been slowly running away from cold winters until finally settling in sunny South Florida.

Prior to becoming an orthopedic doctor, he obtained his undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering from Saint Louis University, where he met his future bride, who happened to be studying in the same program.

Together, they moved to Kansas City, where he worked as an engineer for three years before attending medical school at the University of Kansas. He completed his internship in General Surgery in Birmingham, Alabama, and returned to Kansas City to complete his residency in
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He then completed his fellowship in Interventional Spine and Sports with Dr. Giuffrida.

Now a full-fledged Floridian, Dr. Westerhaus proudly serves the West Palm Beach area and enjoys the many perks that the community has to offer. When not working with patients, Dr. Westerhaus enjoys spending quality time with his wife and six children in the sunny Florida weather and exploring the many beaches that comprise it.

Education & Training

As a consummate student of orthopedics and spinal conditions. Dr. Benjamin Westerhaus has dedicated himself to learning about the wide array of therapeutic and clinical treatments with a focus on positive patient outcomes. His advanced educational background and experience make him uniquely qualified to work with a broad base of patients that are suffering from neck pain, upper or mid-back pain, lower back pain, musculoskeletal chronic pain, joint pain, and several other conditions.

Board Certifications

American Board of Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation


Biomedical Engineering
Saint Louis
University. St. Louis. MO

Medical School

University of Kansas
Lawrence KC


Brookwood Baptist Health,
Birmingham, AL
General Surgery


University of Kansas,
Lawrence. KS
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


Cantor Spine Center
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Interventional Sports & Spine Fellowship

Hospital Affiliations

St. Mary's Hospital
Coral Ridge Outpatient &
Palm Beach International
Surgery Centers