
Frequently Asked Questions

We have locations in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Jupiter, and Boca Raton, Florida. 

Please visit our contact us page for more details.

We have three different options for you to provide us with your diagnostics image, please see our image review page for step by step instructions. 

You can fill out our contact form at the bottom of this page and it will go directly to our office manager. To schedule with a specific doctor, please call the numbers below according to each Specialist:

To Schedule an appointment with Dr. Anthony Giuffrida, call 561-446-0645

To Schedule an appointment with Dr. Benjamin Westerhaus, call 561-935-1188

To Schedule an appointment with Dr. Roshan Chhatlani, call 561-446-0645

Interventional Pain Management is a great alternative when conservative, traditional methods are not providing exceptional relief. Pain lasting 12 weeks or more or symptoms of increasing pain should lead you to seek consultation with an interventional pain physician.

Minimally-invasive surgery employs a variety of techniques that enable surgeries with less damage to the body than traditional open surgery. When properly performed, minimally-invasive surgery provides for smaller incisions, less pain, shorter hospital stays, swift recoveries, fewer complications, and positive long-term outcomes. The goal of minimally-invasive surgery is to isolate and fix the specific source of pain or discomfort without interfering with other parts of the body.

The ultimate goal of the minimally-invasive spine surgeries we perform is to maintain, and [whenever possible] improve function and mobility. If left untreated, pressure on spinal nerves can lead to permanent nerve injuries, resulting in pain, weakness, or even paralysis in extreme cases. Minimally-invasive surgical solutions for these types of conditions (which include Spondylolisthesis, cervical radiculopathy, sciatica, and lumbar spinal stenosis among many others) provide for the safe, precise removal of pressure from pinched nerves, avoiding permanent nerve damage.

Groundbreaking surgical techniques utilizing ultrasonic cutting tools are changing the very definition of ‘minimally invasive spine surgery’, evolving spinal surgery in ways that were at one point, virtually impossible.

Today’s innovative tools use high-frequency vibration transmitted through a water-cooled cutting tip. The vibrating tip feels a lot like that of an electronic toothbrush. However, upon coming into contact with hard bone, it will literally melt the bone, similar to a hot knife through butter. As a result, bone spurs that may be damaging a patient’s nerves are “melted away” with little risk of affecting surrounding nerves. Thanks to precise, millimeter accuracy and the safety of the vibrating “knife”, a trained, professional surgeon is better able to eliminate painful spine problems more effectively than they ever have before through microscopic incisions.

Our surgical procedures specifically target these microscopic structures in the spine. This means we can target bones without affecting any neighboring tissue or nerves, dramatically improving recovery time while also allowing the patient’s spine to maintain its structural integrity.

With ultrasonic spine surgery, the incisions are smaller, patients experience less pain and blood loss, spinal fusions are fewer or entirely unnecessary, mobility is preserved, and the patient enjoys a significantly faster recovery.

The benefits of minimally-invasive Ultrasonic spine surgery are many. Cantor Spine Center patients experience a number of ‘wins’ from these exacting, forward-thinking procedures – among the highlights:

  • Preservation of function and mobility
  • Unparalleled risk management
  • The smallest possible incision
  • Less surgical pain
  • Major (over 90%) reduction in surgical implants (rods, screws, fusions)
  • Less blood loss, and a near complete elimination of blood transfusions
  • Swift, smooth recovery
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Fewer complications
  • Better long-term results

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pain Site Injections

  • While we try to get injections scheduled as soon as possible, there are certain limitations to this depending on insurance, medications, past medical history, and other factors. Unfortunately, we cannot offer same day injections at this time. Injections will be scheduled within 1-2 weeks for the appointment.
  • Furthermore, there is a required follow up to discuss your success and plan for aftercare.
  • We use a combination of two short acting numbing medications (lidocaine and marcaine) as well as a steroid, either Dexamethasone or Triamcinolone, depending on your injection.
  • A minimal of contrast will also be used to ensure proper spread of the medication. Please notify your physician if you are allergic to contrast, iodine or shellfish.
  • We may be able to use less steroids or no steroids if you have history of sensitivity or diabetes.
  • You need a driver for the following procedures, because of possible post-procedure numbness and/or weakness in the legs and/or arms, depending on respective area injected. You may use a ride-sharing service such as Uber or Lyft as long as the procedure does not require IV sedation. 
    • All epidural injections 
    • All cervical injections
    • Any procedures for which you were prescribed oral valium 
    • Procedures using IV sedation
  • No driver is needed for Lumbar Medial Branch Blocks (MBB), joint injections, and muscle injections.
  • Expect to be in our office for 1 to 1.5 hours for necessary pre-procedure care and post-procedure instructions. The approximate length of the procedure varies.
  • Expect a longer visit for ablations, intradiscal injections and cervical injections, as you will need an IV. 
  • Platelet Rich Plasma injections require time to prepare the PRP with our centrifuge. Please allow for 1.5 hours.
  • Kyphoplasty and spinal cord stimulator trials will require 1.5 hours of time in office. The procedure time will be 30-45 minutes.

You will be notified for specific injections with your preoperative instructions and you will be handed a list of medications that need to be stopped. If prompted, you will have to stop Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medications 3 days prior to the procedure, blood thinners for a varying number of days, and certain vitamins and supplements. IF YOU are taking blood thinners we will need clearance from the prescribing doctor.

  • You will be thoroughly educated during the pre-procedure process by our nurses on post-procedure care, possible side-effects, and expectations. This will also be detailed on your post-procedure instructions handed to you at that time.
    • In general; no submerging under water for 48 hours, you may shower after 24 hours and remove the bandage, no direct heat to the injection site for 5 days, apply ice 3-4 times the next 24 hours, and no strenuous activities for 24 hours. 
    • Steroids may take up to 10 days for results. The numbing medication typically last 6-48 hours.
    • Call our office if you experience side-effects. Our team will provide appropriate guidance. Common side-effects are restlessness, headaches, and hiccups.

We do not put our patients under for any in-office procedure. You will receive local anesthesia (numbing mediation). We can send prescriptions to your pharmacy for anxiety or nervousness towards the procedure once requested then cleared by our providers.

  • If you have an acute infection. If you are taking antibiotics, the rescheduled date will have to be 5 days after completion. DO NOT delay your antibiotic treatment. If you are taking prophylactic antibiotics please call the office to notify and a decision will be made by the physician.
  • If you accidentally take anti-inflammatories or blood thinners within the hold period given to you.
  • We will have to reschedule if your blood pressure is above 200 systolic or 100 diastolic, if your blood sugar level is over 200, or other acute vital abnormality or instability.
  • If you’re not having pain anymore, great! But we can’t make no pain better, so keep your follow up and we’ll come up with a plan to keep it away

All questions can be answered by our Nurses or Medical Assistants prior to your procedure. 

If you continue to feel uncomfortable or have further concerns, we are more than happy to schedule an office visit to go over your procedure in further detail with one of our providers.